You’ll catch more flies with honey; in retail this phrase couldn’t be more apt. The sweeter your offering the more customers will flock to your stores, visit your website, join your social channels and create buzz around your brand.
The same logic applies to your retail aesthetic and signage; the better you look the more you will appeal to consumers. But how exactly can you as a retailer take advantage of this? How can your signage improve your business and bolster your sales?
Here at Leading Edge we are experts at creating retail signage solutions that do just that, and in this article we will be revealing how quality retail signage can improve footfall, enhance shopper environments and promote sales.
Looks truly are everything in a visually crowded world; shop-front signage screams out at shoppers promoting new deals, sales, products and incredible prices. To compete in this world of warring visuals you must lead with a high-quality and stimulating display.
By enhancing your shop-front with high quality signage you are creating an immediate impression of your offering. You can tell people without them even setting a foot through the door whether your product is aspirational or cost-effective.
Through clearly communicating these messages to your customer as they pass your store, using signage you allow people to quickly make a decision as to whether they want what you have to offer.
This makes it far more likely that interested passers-by, with the intention of spending will come into your shop; rather than those same people avoiding your store due to confusion over your offering and whether you are selling a product that that they are willing to spend their money on.
There are many forms of shop front, restaurant and bar and retail park signage options that we offer here at Leading Edge; our expert advisors can help you choose the retail signage that is right for you, and guide you through the process from design to installation.

Once you have people through the door the shopping experience begins. By enhancing the shopping experience through your signage you can create a memorable experience that brings customers back to your store, time after time.
There are two ways that you can achieve this; using practical signage that helps make the shopping experience easier, and by using signage that is visually enhancing making your store a more pleasant place to spend time and money.
In a practical sense, by using clear wayfinding and labelling signage you can help your customers to navigate their way around your store, making their experience much more relaxing and hassle-free. This is important in ensuring your customers form a positive memory of your shop that makes them want to return.
Signage can also enhance the shopping environment, if it is used in a way that is both creative and looks good; for instance by using flat cut / raised letters or lightboxes. Using signage like this makes your store an event in itself; a reason to leave the house and the ease of internet shopping behind and experience something beyond the convenience of a click.
Separating people from their devices and the magic of ‘next day delivery’ does not mean however, that we should remove technology completely from the buying experience. The introduction of digital signage into the retail world has revolutionised the shopping experience and the way people buy forever.
There are many forms of digital signage that you can use in a retail environment, from displays that run graphics and marketing content, to interactive displays where people can purchase and order products directly. Here at Leading Edge we offer expert guidance in helping you to choose the display that is best for your business.

The creation of a pleasing shopping environment using signage could lead to people spending an extended amount of time in your store; meaning that they have more time browsing which will hopefully lead to a purchase.
However, the creation of an enjoyable space for people to shop and spend in, isn’t the only way that signage can help to funnel sales. Signage can be used in clever ways to directly affect and increase sales. One way of doing this is through point of sale, or POS, displays.
POS displays catch consumers at the point of purchase meaning that it is far easier for that person to impulsively decide to add another item into their basket. This method of sales is used to genius effect in clothing store giants such as H&M and Primark, who line their till queues with POS displays filled with cheap novelty items and essentials. Making it a small matter of grabbing a pair of socks or a lip balm during a long wait to get to the tills.
At Leading Edge we make eye-catching POS displays from acrylic or heavy-duty cardboard to help you make those last-minute sales.
Sales can also be pushed through digital signage. Interactive digital displays that people can browse and select products on allows them to skip queues and choose exactly what they want quickly and efficiently.
In conclusion, by using your retail signage in creative, visual and practical ways at each step in the consumer journey, your retail store should experience an increase in footfall and sales, whilst also enhancing the shopping experience.
To speak further about how we can help you with your retail signage requirements please contact a member of our team today.