At Leading Edge we have recently purchased new ‘flatbed’ machinery for our Livingston facility, thanks to a Scottish Regional Selective Assistant grant.
Find out how this will enable us to grow our business, in the full article featured on below…
Are you planning significant capital expenditure in the coming year? Our Regional Selective Assistance grants could help make your plans a reality.
If you’re a small to medium-sized business based in Scotland you could be eligible for a Scottish Enterprise Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) grant starting at £20,000 to over £250,000.
The grant can be used to:
• Help increase your workforce or secure existing jobs
• Support the purchase of new equipment to keep up with demand for a product
• Get support to improve efficiencies in your business – you may have an idea on how to do this but need some funding to make it happen
• Help sell your products in new markets or abroad to make your global ambitions a reality
We invest £20 million each year on Regional Selective Assistance to ensure that Scotland’s economy remains globally competitive.
How do we do this? By helping all sizes of companies at all stages of development, across Scotland’s key business sectors to help improve their productivity and secure and grow their workforce.
Fantastic opportunity for small businesses
The Regional Selective Assistance grant is a fantastic opportunity for small businesses.
Thanks to a Regional Selective Assistance grant of £37,300, Leading Edge Creative Design Ltd, a specialist in creative graphics display, will be able to purchase new ‘flatbed’ printing machinery for its Livingston facility. The company has itself invested £186,675.
Overall investment will create four full-time positions and support delivery of existing UK contracts for McDonalds, Card Factory and Goodyear Tyres.
The company currently services these contracts via their facility based in West Yorkshire, so it will ultimately save on transport costs too.
The new machinery will also give Leading Edge the opportunity to compete on a larger scale and further expand its Livingston operations to service future UK-wide contracts.
“The Regional Selective Assistance grant is a fantastic opportunity for small businesses,” said Matthew Evans, managing director at Leading Edge Creative Design Ltd, “and I would highly recommend company owners finding out if they are eligible.”
“We’re very grateful for the support we’ve received from Scottish Enterprise – we feel very valued and welcome in the Scottish business community,” Matthew added “For us this is an exciting time as we expand our production in Livingston which will hopefully make us more competitive when obtaining new UK wide contracts.”